- We offer for free a whole package of sale and after sale support.
- With 24/7 backup support.
- Training
in husbandry tasks, including general information on keeping alpacas and the day to day tasks needed to look after them and
keep them in good health.
- Stud servies: we have a Suri Stud male and three Huacaya stud males.
- Shearing -
we can arrange for your animals to be sheared (provided biosecurity measures has been implemented)
- We can offer Agistment
for any animals purchased from us, they can remain within our herd providing they have not been moved away from our farm.
- We
can also offer Agistment for animals purchased from outside our herd, providing the herd they are coming from have followed
a strict biosecurity procedure.
Further information on owning an alpaca and agistment